Bu web sitesi, cihazınızda bilgi depolamak için çerezleri kullanır. Çerezler web sitemizin normal çalışmasına yardımcı olur ve bize kullanıcı deneyiminizi nasıl geliştirebileceğimizi gösterir.
Sitede gezinmeye devam ederek çerez politikamızı ve gizlilik politikamızı kabul etmiş olursunuz.
With the value of tech for good and as a leading global smart home company, EZVIZ always respects data security and privacy of our users. We specifically state that, users themselves have ultimate control over all their data, and all user data processing will be transparent to users and only based on user authorization.
Like other companies, we may cooperate with government agencies, on condition that they make explicit requests to us in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, to respond to their specific requests. Only after our review and we believe that we can provide responses, we will respond to relevant requests and process user information in accordance with law within the necessary limits. What’s more, we make every effort to achieve the best transparency and data security protection for our users. We will regularly report on government law enforcement requests and make them publicly available to all users on our website.
We have never built a so-called "backdoor" or "master key" into any EZVIZ product or service, nor have we ever allowed any government to directly access EZVIZ servers, and never will.